When a company you work for is acquired, your equity compensation (like stock options, restricted st...

Our Knowledge Hub Is your comprehensive resource for understanding the complex world of equity-based compensation. We break down sophisticated financial concepts into clear, actionable insights for employees, employers, and financial professionals.
When a company you work for is acquired, your equity compensation (like stock options, restricted st...
The sunk cost fallacy is the tendency to continue with a behavior or endeavor because of previously ...
"Golden handcuffs" is a term used to describe the financial incentives that employers provide to kee...
Imagine you're part of a small startup. You've been granted 1,000 stock options, representing a piec...
The prospect of your company going public, or having an Initial Public Offering (IPO), can be incred...
Forfeiture, in the context of equity compensation, essentially means losing your right to the shares...
Equity compensation, such as stock options, restricted stock units (RSUs), and employee stock purcha...
Many companies today offer their employees various forms of equity compensation, like stock options,...
Equity compensation is a powerful tool companies use to attract, retain, and motivate employees. Amo...
For employees who have been granted stock options, restricted stock units (RSUs), or other forms of ...